The Trecena of 1 Imix / Imox

1 Imix / Imox — The Trecena of Innovation


Associated with powerful psychic forces, Imix, or Imox in K’iche’ Maya, represents what is often called the “left side of reality”—those other dimensions, worlds, levels of existence that are unusual, eccentric, or in general deemed outside of what is “normal”.  Accordingly, Imix symbolizes not only the receptivity to communication with or messages from these other realities and the ability to see into other worlds, but also madness, insanity, mental disorder, nervousness, uncertainty, and doubt.  Imix is a difficult day sign, for these things are not simple to navigate or understand; in fact, they can be altogether frightening.  Yet Imix also signifies cooperation, especially in terms of the left arm working in concert with the right.  Stupidity, envy, suspicion, and secretiveness round out the pantheon of traits and elements embodied by this complex day sign.  Imix is the nagual of the ocean and the spirit of rain, and has a powerful connection with water.  Not surprisingly, the animal totems of Imix are the dolphins, whales, fish, crocodiles, and all sea creatures.  In the Classical Maya tradition, it is associated with the cardinal direction East and the color red. 

On Imix days, the Maya give thanks, ask for rain and water, and pray that their dreams and visions bring them beauty and wisdom rather than delusions and madness.  This is the day to pay attention to our dreams and the wisdom they may bring, to heal and cure illnesses of the mind, and to pray for strong mental health, not just for us but also for our loved ones.  And it is, as Imix is closely connected with water, a highly beneficial day to spend near a stream, river or the ocean.

There is a very fine line between inspiration and madness.  How do you know whether an idea or vision that comes to you is the next great novel or ground-breaking technology, or simply a crazy idea?  Who decides what is normal and what is strange?  Why is it that for native cultures such as the Maya, smoking hallucinogenic plants is part of a sacred rite that only specially trained members of their communities, namely the shamans, can undergo, while in modern Western society, smoking or taking drugs—also derived from plants—is usually a way to disconnect, have fun, or escape the stresses of daily life and carries no sacred values or associated rituals?  Is one wrong and the other right?

Everything that we do and think, every aspect of our personal and family life, culture, politics, profession, nationality, race, and religion, is relative.  It all depends on how we handle situations, people, and concepts that are foreign or different from what we’re used to.  Some of us welcome the strange, the unusual, the new; some of us prefer the comfort of predictability and familiarity even if it’s not always the best thing for us and our personal development.

If you’re an artist, traveler, entrepreneur, or a creative type in general, you are likely capable of handling Imix’s volatile energies with greater ease and ability than most.  As its mutable essence percolates through this next Trecena, focus on strengthening your creative spirit and the power of your mind, and dive into the vast ocean of ideas, concepts, dreams, and possibilities that Imix blasts open.  Be aware there is no instruction manual or safety rope here, so don’t overestimate your ability to navigate the conflicting realities mixing around you.  Keep your humility and respect for this day sign, and you will emerge with a stronger, brighter, richer mind.

If you favor predictability, constancy, and familiarity, better stay home this Trecena and keep the wild forces of Imix at bay.  You might in fact prefer to watch the daring artist types go in head first, from the warm comfort of your couch!  In fact, the Maya themselves avoid any appreciable amount of activity, because for them, Imix is a challenging day, charged with reflecting the deep, visionary aspect of reality... not unlike, as author Ken Johnson describes it, Carl Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious.

Whatever your personal character, take this time to explore and test the boundaries of your own reality, however vast or limited they may be.  Just be sure you have a rock-solid core to keep you steady and strong.


Excerpt from The Serpent and the Jaguar: Living in Sacred Time by Birgitte Rasine, pp.124-125.  This book is also available in eBook format for the Kindle/Kindle Fire, Nook/Nook Color, and iPad/iPhone.  

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