The Trecena of 1 Lamat / Q'anil
1 Lamat / Q'anil — The Trecena of Abundance
A lush and fertile sign, Lamat, or Q’anil in K’iche’ Maya, brims with the energy of positive growth and abundance. Lamat carries the codes for all of life, nourishes perpetual regeneration, and represents the seed, corn, pride, harvest, and food. A harmonious and cyclical day, it also symbolizes love, understanding, and realization, and embodies ancestral knowledge, universal memory and genetic wisdom. Lamat is the nagual of all kinds of animal and plant seeds, and the daysign of fertility and harvests, of prosperity and abundance. It signifies corn and its four colors known to the Maya: yellow, white, red and black—which are also the four colors of the twenty daysigns in the Tzolk’in, represented by the four cardinal directions of the globe. In fact, the four colors and directions are represented by the four points within the glyph itself. The animal totem of Lamat is the rabbit. In the Classical Maya tradition, it is associated with the cardinal direction South and the color yellow.
On Lamat days, the Maya plant ideas and new projects along with gardens and crops, for this is the day that all things are made fertile and blossom. Anything planted or conceived on a Lamat day, whether it is an idea, project, relationship or an actual seed, holds a positive future and is likely to bear fruit or turn out favorably, all in due time. This is also a propitious day to recover something presumed to be lost.
Take these next thirteen days to enjoy and celebrate the abundance in your life, without guilt, without hesitation: celebrate who you are, what you bring to this world and your loved ones, and what your loved ones and the world around you, in turn bring to you. Let us remember what true abundance really is: it’s not money or fame, and it’s not power or influence. Abundance is life in its breathtaking diversity of forms and colors. Abundance is the unfathomable volumes of sunlight, water, air and nutrients that cycle throughout the biosphere. Abundance is a rich harvest that leaves plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grain for the next season or to share with your neighbors. Abundance is an endlessly overflowing fountain of joy, elation, and happiness that never dries up and never asks for anything in return. Abundance is that nobility of spirit that keeps no score and no grudges, a spirit completely content and free of toxic emotions and thoughts.
Abundance is the natural state of the planet—and us.
But we, human beings, tend to be so wrapped up in our careers, our to-do lists, our responsibilities and productivity goals, that we miss all of this wondrous abundance flowing around and through us on a continual, daily basis. We willingly drown our spirit in fears, worries, and uncertainties, allowing these forces to take over our lives and our very existence, drop by drop, day by day, until we are positively frightened to feel good about anything.
This is dangerous. By denying the natural abundance inherent in our lives, we are stunting our own spiritual growth, our mental and physical health, the wellbeing of our families and loved ones—and yes, ironically, our financial health as well. Remember that linear upward trends are not natural or healthy, contrary to what the media, political figures, and economic pundits would have you believe. Cycles, waves and the duality of upward and downward trends are natural and necessary in all aspects of life to maintain sustained abundance. Our culture assigns moral values to these natural cycles—up is “good” and down is “bad”—which then motivate certain behaviors and drive certain actions in our lives, relationships, social and political spheres, and the economy, that run contrary to the creation of lasting abundance, wealth, and prosperity. By worshipping greed, short-term profits, and material riches, we sacrifice the sanctity of a far greater source of abundance—our own nature and essence.
Think about what living an abundant, joyous, fulfilling life really means to you, and pursue that—not the plastic idealizations of modern life you see and hear in the media and the Internet. Do not allow the poison of envy, greed, inferiority or inequality to enter the vessels of your soul. Respect your natural merit and worthiness of a full and enriching life. This Trecena, choose to live in breathtaking abundance.
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(Original text by Birgitte Rasine. If you'd like to repost the Trecena texts, please copy the above text in its entirety and credit Birgitte Rasine/The Mayan Calendar Portal with a link to, and email us with a link to your site so we can reciprocate.)