Welcome to the Mayan Calendar Portal 2.0!  This is an enhanced version of the original portal web site so many of you are familiar with.  Some of the new features include:

Mayan blog

Mayan Birthday greeting cards

Our new Twitter account—follow us for daily tzolk'in updates

Enhanced media gallery: more images, more videos, and music

Submit your Mayan Calendar Story

The portal design integrates the mathematical core of the Mayan Calendar system, the dot and the bar.  To your left is a vertical bar with thirteen top level navigation buttons; the rings form the dot.  We chose the number thirteen because there are thirteen tones and thirteen deities (admittedly, twenty nav buttons would have been a bit much for even the most web savvy users!)

To browse through the text pages of the portal, simply explore the navigation on the left.

To explore the sacred Mayan Sun Signs, Tones, and Deities, click on the calendar link above.

Please note you cannot navigate and explore the rings at the same time.  

To calculate your Mayan Birthday, click on the daily tzolk'in link above.

To communicate with us or send us feedback, email us.


Welcome to the Portal and enjoy!
