2012 Film Review

Your name
Geoffrey West
Barrie, ON
Film or TV program 
Provide a brief description of the film/program's story plot for our readers 

a flick depicting disasters of epic proportions upon the Earth as we approach the year 2012.

What is your personal opinion of this film/program, as entertainment?  

The honest answer is that 'entertainment', like humour is very subjective. What I consider to be entertainment should not really be of concern to others. Did I find something meaningful for ME, in this moment of 'now' with the movie? Yes. I give lectures on global peace and healing and talk a lot about what is happening on many different levels at this time. Those who are not yet ready to see the truth behind the message of 2012 will see this movie as 'entertainment', and yet a seed will be planted in their minds, even if it is a more negative image. As they grow spiritually, this perception may change, if it is in their LIFE-path to change. Those who are more aware should be able to 'read between the lines' (whether or not they were intended by the makers of the film). It is like The Celestine Prophecy. Originally a non-fiction work, it was rejected by readers. Once it was re-labelled as non-fiction, it suddenly became a best-seller. Then it became a movie, but not a wildly successful mainstream film.

What is your personal opinion of this film/program as a social and/or cultural message? Does it succeed or fail in this regard? 

This depends upon the individual. If the evolution of humanity and of Earth is to shift to a higher vibration and consciousness, there will be those who are not ready, able, or willing to be a part of this transition, and it may be the desire of their soul to stay at a lower density/vibration. Having written this, it only 'succeeds' or 'fails' to the point of each person's level of awareness in this moment of 'now'. If their vibration is higher, they MAY choose to see this movie as a 'failure'. Those who are choosing to stay at lower vibrations may resonate with the fear-factor. All is in Divine Order. Some may choose to use this movie to begin their own investigation which may lead to their awakening. Others will not. It is not for us to determine or judge who awakens and who does not. Those who wish to make movies that are more focused on the fear and negative aspects for material greed and gain are merely answering a demand. This is their choice. It saddens me perhaps that they have chosen this path to communicate their vision because there is so much more of what humanity and Earth is evolving towards. If their reality(the makers of the film) is to experience the 2012 depicted in their production, they will. (they succeeded) For those of us who choose to stay in higher vibrations of love and see a transition to a higher way of living and being, we will be drawn to that vibration and reality. (we succeed). In this case, 'failure' only comes from not honouring the Self, others, our planet and LIFE. If the makers begin feeling guilty for their choices, they have not honoured Self, nor have they honoured others, or LIFE..and this will have its own consequences.

What impact do you feel the movie will likely have on the way people worldwide will perceive the Mayan Calendar? 

People are going to see exactly what they WANT to see. If their world is materialistic, fear-based and 3D, then they will see everything according to this. The more aware people will see through the illusion of the film, and will not choose to put energies into manifesting this reality. (even if they are able to detach for a moment to see the illusion in the movie, and send love and Light to all involved) We have no 'right' to determine how another perceives anything. All one can do is choose to BE love, BE Light, BE compassionate, and (perhaps most importantly) BE the example of higher consciousness that we are moving towards. BE the Light within the darkness.

If you had the chance to remake this film/program, what would you do differently? 

The global elitists that are controlling the economy and more are losing their control over the masses. This film COULD have been produced in a way similar to 'Sliding Doors' or the old movie, 'He Said/She Said'. The Law of Attraction says that we bring events and experiences into our reality based on our thoughts and feelings. Everything is energy. The root of all conflict flows from the separation of individuals from their relationship to the ONENESS of LIFE. If one is seeking to control another in any way, it represents a lack within oneself too, something fearful. Yes, there will be some chaos and it is perhaps fair to depict this in some way while showing how people choose to pull this into their realities. Offering the vision of the higher consciousness, with choices that flow from honouring Self, others, our planet, our cosmic family, and LIFE MAY not have made the movie as financially successful, but it would have perhaps been more honourable and respectful of each individual to choose how she/he wishes to experience the coming near future.

Would you recommend this film/program to your family, friends and colleagues? Why or why not? 

At the time I first saw the movie, I recall feeling disappointed, although my friends felt that there was at least SOME semblance of hope at the end. The funny thing is that, until I came across this website, and the opportunity to comment....I had pretty much forgotten about the movie. I guess this is a statement of how I felt.

What would you like to say to the film's director, and/or the production studio? 

I am saddened that you chose to put materialism ahead of the important aspects of what is happening at this time. I honour and respect your choice to do this, although I personally do not resonate with this choice. I choose to believe that we are all ONE. In this sense, I forgive you all, and I forgive me also. I send love and Light to you all that you will awaken and remember who you truly are, and if you become involved in future projects on this topic, that you bring to these projects the true energies of what is honourable to ALL that is LIFE, physical and non-physical, visible and invisible, Earth-bound or beyond Earth.
Awaken, and remember who you ARE, blessed souls! I SEE YOU!

("2012" only) Roland Emmerich is allegedly planning a television series "post 2012". What do you think of this idea? 

See above. Honour Self, others, our planet and LIFE on and beyond Earth. Be true to the message, and I choose to believe that you will receive support that you may not have been expecting. The Light is winning the battle against the darkness at this time, although it may not seem like it right at this moment. The Light is receiving more support than from any other time in our history. Consciousness is moving faster and faster. Creating a project that is grounded in darker energies will have less and less of a chance of succeeding. People are beginning to reach out for more Light and love...because at our deepest level, this is what we ARE...we ALL ARE! We are ONE!

Any other comments you'd like to add 

Global leaders claim to 'want peace, or will impose peace'; peacemakers claim to 'negotiate peace'; researchers claim to 'measure or quantify peace'; academics claim to 'study peace' and institutions (like my alma mater, the University for Peace) claim to 'teach peace'.

In reality this is an impossibility because the very power and control that all of these people and institutions enjoy comes from the exact OPPOSITE of that which they are claiming to want.

Peace can only begin if it is first flowing from the only place where it can truly begin...within YOU! This happens as one begins to awaken to one's connection to, and deeper energetic relationship to LIFE. Global peace and healing begins with a choice...a choice made by YOU!

Namaste, peace, love and Light to all!
Geoffrey West
Masters degree, Peace Education

Lecturer/presenter, global peace, events and healing
Self-published author


Barrie, ON