2012 Film Review

Your name
Ess Sweas
Chicago, IL
United States
Film or TV program 
Provide a brief description of the film/program's story plot for our readers 

Doomsday, Disaster, Destruction, Delusion...need I say more?

What is your personal opinion of this film/program, as entertainment?  

Do not need more of this...their is already enough violent imagery in so many films. In fact, it has become staid. All I needed was to see the trailer to know I would not be seeing this film.

What is your personal opinion of this film/program as a social and/or cultural message? Does it succeed or fail in this regard? 

Oh, it fails entirely to present the truth of the Mayan Calendar and the prophetic cosmology of their elders.

What impact do you feel the movie will likely have on the way people worldwide will perceive the Mayan Calendar? 

It will delude many (starting with the wrong date: the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/09; it ends earlier, on October 16, 2011; check which Mayan site you research; I suggest you go to the work of Dr. Calleman, or Mayan Majix for starters) and if the powers that be want to delude, than they have succeeded yet again. Hopefully, the word will get out enough to influence thinking people that this movie (with its fear, terror, violence, hopelessness, devaluation of life,etc.) does not by any means portray the series of events that is the scenario the entire ancient Mayan cosmological calendar and culture was was based upon-- a scene of hope, wisdom, peacefulness, coexistence, respect for all life, etc.

The message of the calendar (and the true date

If you had the chance to remake this film/program, what would you do differently? 

I'd scrap the entire false premise, for starters. I would then, take the pains and have the respect to produce and direct a film based on the true prophecy of this Mayan calendar and culture. Because as it stands now, this film has once again proven the demeaning and corrupt treatment of an indigneous people, at the hands of the monied, dominant minority who own the movie chains, etc. (movie "chains" is right)!

Would you recommend this film/program to your family, friends and colleagues? Why or why not? 

No. In fact, I am going to go out of my way (and have already begun, before the movie even came out in theatres) to advise all in my circle (and to pass it on), that this film is based on false premise, and its doom-and destruction imagery is to be avoided.

What would you like to say to the film's director, and/or the production studio? 

Given that you had the opportunity to prove your humanity with this film, you have proven just the opposite. Instead of taking the lead in producing something extraordinary-- a work of profound and positive message for humanity, you have taken the delusionary path of dark magick-- spelling your doom....

("2012" only) Roland Emmerich is allegedly planning a television series "post 2012". What do you think of this idea? 

Scrap it, you foolish fellow....

Any other comments you'd like to add 

No matter what, truth and integrity, compassion and love, courage and wisdom IS the basis of life-- the alpha and omega that will always reign, eventually (or sooner) embracing and transmuting all that is anti-life-- including this film, and those entities that expend their energies upon such. This is guaranteed ready fodder for the Universal Mulch Pile. And all you people who revel in delusion and astral entertainment, wake up to your human potential...it exists within you now-- do not become mesmerized by such low-level consciousness, such as expressed through this film's message and imagery.


Chicago, IL
United States