Provide a brief description of the film/program's story plot for our readers
As a member of the IFC, while I had been prepared for 'some' of the vast global destruction that was shown in it; I was concerned by those emotional, frightened responses by others who were NOT prepared. While I studied 2012 predications, shadow government and hope for the future ... I was somewhat disappointed. The Hero takes you on a wild trip of survival against unsurmountable odds and his book which questions the demise of Atlantis (3rd world) and survival of the humanity ...only gets read at the demise of the 4th world. There were still too many absurd scenerio's & our current technology was only able to SAVE a paltry few?
Bottom line ..this Movie went beyond Stupidity. While the special effects were many and rather superb, the FACT that there were FEW children SAVED or actually shown in the FILM. I expected towards the end to see the NEW age; but it clearly strayed from a departure of Intelligent DNA pool re-population, education of any survivors. Especially when the filthy Rich, AGED members of our old monetary World structure survive! So how was the worth or value of a man, woman or child measured? This clearly showed how politically controlled the Masses are, secrets are kept at any cost, and how it truely exists in our present world. Maybe that was the only point that was made for the ultimate step into the 5th world and the little speech at the end. A little Too LATE.
What is your personal opinion of this film/program, as entertainment?
Pure entertainment and scare tactics on a LARGER than life scale. Intelligent selection of the survival of the species was very questionable. * ALL planes, balloons would have BEEN FLYING & not left on any Aircraft Carrier or Airport, Hookups to Satelite images on what or where the devastation occurred to prepare or help identify Safety Zones; a.k.a. the bedrock of Denver, the White Mountains of AZ If Yellowstone blew, it would be longer than 27 days of DARKness. Why no Classrooms for teaching & training ALL their new multi-trade job assignments, including the QUEEN of ENGLAND!
What is your personal opinion of this film/program as a social and/or cultural message? Does it succeed or fail in this regard?
Too little too late. Fractual science repeating itself till humanity gets it right. A little too mundane for my taste, a little short sided on plans, planning, project scope over 2-3 yrs once 2012 discoveries were made. Not enough on the Enlightened variety of 2012 - DNA Awakenings and vibrational changes that are occurring.
What impact do you feel the movie will likely have on the way people worldwide will perceive the Mayan Calendar?
I doubt that many will actually take the TIME to check it out.
If you had the chance to remake this film/program, what would you do differently?
Take at least 2 minutes more on the scientific factoids of the Mayan (table of elements, irrigation systems, calendar accuracy) , I Ching, Aborigines, American Indian info on 2012 ...and not make Yellowstone, Charlie Frost look like such a hippie, yippie asshole. I'd have given him more credability with maybe another sidekick 'The Fat Lady' to sing off into the sunset with the Hopie in AZ.
Would you recommend this film/program to your family, friends and colleagues? Why or why not?
I did & we watched it together. My twin sister was shaking...something I did when I watched the initial clips ...several times. We discussed the plausabilities, importantce of bio-diversity, lack of children, seed/farming hydroponics, training centers/classrooms, spiritual leaders afterwards.
What would you like to say to the film's director, and/or the production studio?
nothing, its done already
("2012" only) Roland Emmerich is allegedly planning a television series "post 2012". What do you think of this idea?
Only interesting...if they DO it Right ..not like Jericho. Do it with real Science, smart Architecture, best farming/health practices ... with / EVERYOne learning multiple skill sets for the survival of the community... community grids. A new 16 hr days: study, apprenticeship, journeyman, master level work goals. Everyone doing some form of 8 hr community service...along with learning meditation for stress relief.