The answer to everything

Full Name
Judith Florence Lapointe
Osoyoos, BC


Osoyoos, BC
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 

I am the only family member who understands the calendar.

How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I know without doubt 2012 is a possibility to enter into a dimension without time = End of times. I know without doubt we need to understand what time is in order to make that transformation. I understand without doubt how an entire globe can transform within a 2 year time frame. This last year will give more predictions as to other possibilities. We could recognize and understand everything at the last second but I doubt it. If we can't pass through this experience then we will experience extreme hardships, which will take generations to rebuild another time frame in which to understand time. you can't evolve into another dimension without fully understanding the one you are trying to leave.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

Without doubt this focus on this date in time alone that is suggesting and creating Global hardships. The more people recognize hardships the more they learn what it is and they have the opportunity to fix problems. This will end illness's, especially mental illness, depression, and addictions. We think people who are angry and out of control are people with control issues but truth be told they actually have something to say about some kind of crime being experienced. The more people have things taken away the more they will relate to those who have suffered. Once you understand the causes, you stop all actions that cause negative experiences. We are creators who act based on suggestions. The suggestion of the "end of times" brings an awareness to questions "what's going on". It's that question that is opening up the minds on a Global basis. Without this forum, nobody can share.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

The abuse in my marriage increased, counselling and medical community told me I would be dead in a year if I didn't leave. The abuse increased and all Government systems designed to help me out actually worked against me, constantly telling to be do one thing while another is telling me I'm not capable of accomplishing nothing. It was shocking to learn my Canadian government doesn't collect income tax from fathers who don't support their children. I was shocked to learn doctors don't rate me as a patient worthy of service. I was shocked to find out our justice system is designed to help criminals and not stop them. The Calgary police department actually refuse to help me saying "pull yourself together, nobody is going to believe a word you say". And they've said "I was wasting their time while they could be fighting real crime".

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

I can't wait for the change to happen. My life will improve once society recognizes how abusive they are towards each other.
