Vibration At Our Beginnings

Full Name
Anthony Pineda
Mountain View, CA
United States


Mountain View, CA
United States
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 


How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I use it as a reference point to energy that exists around consciousness. As I study it I find that it relates to all in my field and remind myself of the Love that went into creating it for all who choose to see. The Gregorian was just an attempt to reshape the truth, but at its source is Maya.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

It helps to make sense of the world and what is possible in it. Opening to these energies our ancestors once felt reconnects me to all, especially Earth. It has definitely helped me see how important my relationship with the planet and the feminine energy around it. It has even shaped my creative powers and now I work with that energy to raise human consciousness to evolution.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

feeling overwhelmed at times with what I see around me in this 3-D reality, so detaching from this paradigm has been relatively difficult. I think that once the calendar has been fully integrated such issues would no longer manifest.

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

Taking responsibility for the co-creation of our planet would be a benefit. One thing I believe the Mayan Calendar points out is the active role we must take in creating our world.

Any other comments or thoughts: 

I wish you could allow music files to be added so I could share my music
