Amazing Birthday

Full Name
Stacy Smith
Bettendorf, IA
United States


Bettendorf, IA
United States
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 


How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I would like to begin using it to center myself in each day.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

Yesterday, 9-19-11, was my birthday and I spent the entire day learning about the Mayan Calendar. Mostly by watching Ian Lungold's teaching. Throughout the day, I noticed that the chakras I see from time to time were constantly available and were surrounding me rather than only visible in smaller locations. I could also feel their vibrations much more easily than usual. I was struck by that- had never noticed them in such force before. This morning, I read the Mayan calendar description of 9-19-11 and was totally blown away by what it had to say. the Mayan calendar completely explained what was going on with the chakras. I am so grateful to have found your website. I feel like it is the explanation I have been craving all my life. I feel like I have found my certainty and peace. I plan to take it forward in every aspect of my life and I'm eager to see how it will affect my parenting and relationships.

Any other comments or thoughts: 

Thank you for creating this website. It is a beacon of direction and guidance.
Blessings to you.
