Detachment induced by the calendar
Every morning when thinking about my day's program i just check the energy of the day and what it means to get food for thought.
In the same way if i have some unexpected problem happening, and have difficulties to solve it i can kind of "study" the calendar at any moment to get ideas.
At the end of the day i go back to the meaning of the day's energy and try to check the conformity between it and what happened.
I think the fact of knowing that everything is "under control" by the cosmic energies in the sense of an evolution permitted me to get some more detachment on what is happening to me or in the world, which gives me more peace of mind.
Checking the calendar also oblige me to analyse daily what's happening from a "higher perspective", in other words it obliges me daily to take a moment of detachment.
The result is that i think in more global terms when acting or taking decisions and listen more efficiently to my intuition.
In my daily use of the mayan calendar i didn't see real challenges or difficulties, maybe just to understand the meanings of each different energy.
I think it helps making "the false mind" go away and so allows the appropriate events to happen.