Phil den Ouden's Mayan Calendar Story

Full Name
Phil den Ouden
Hertme, OV


Hertme, OV
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 

Just 1

How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

Becoming aware of the day energies through the Mayan Calendar, and the process of development through the different Underworlds and its alternating Days and Nights gives one the feeling to be part of a cosmic plan, in which every creature matters. This feeling is based on logical concepts that form a fundament to one's existence.The Gregorian calendar is still necesarry for the mechanical processes in life. The cyclic time, called the Kairos time, helps one to understand the world through the perception of intuition. The Calendar helps to strengthen this faculty.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

The Mayan Calendar has become my central point of interest over the last five years. Together with the help of Carl Calleman I have distribuated two years long a paper version of the Maya Calendar Almanac and am producing presently the second edition of a digital version of the Maya Calendar Almanac for 2010. It is my modest contribution to the spreading of this new insight to those that show interest. Viewing life in the context of a evolutionary plan as is developed in Carl Calleman's books, is the very thing that is necessary to affront the Darwinistic philosophy of evolution that has made the universe into a spiritually dead, useless happening.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

People in general are either closed for new ideas, as the traditions have saturated their minds and there is no room for something else, or they are uncertain and unable to distinguish what carries truth and reality or is only fantasy. There are however those that have unconsciously prepared themselves and life confronts them with this new insight with which they can resonate. Being present, and being on the internet (like this beautiful site, and many others) makes it possible for many to recognise the call to awaken to reality.

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

The benefits are first for oneself. It gives a fundament and purpose for living. This reflects on one's surroundings.

Do you have a blog or a web site you’d like your story to link to? 

My website is:
