Maya and Me

Full Name
Ringwood, RDG
United Kingdom


Ringwood, RDG
United Kingdom
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 


How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

as me main guide, since i hafe been able to go aut of the "normal " lifestile and not hafe to go to worke to make my living .I use the gregorian onli for a guide to handle the auter world , so to sai.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

absolutlei everiting i hafe been born and staid in switzerland for 44 jears and encountered a men with his two sons in a cropcircle in England, menwile i wos there wit me ex...we traveled with rented bickes from cropcircle to cropcircle , we slept in it and around them for 10 days . and met , Lee in the second day after arrive in england. I could hardli talk or understand english ,and he told me about the Mayancalendar ,we talked abaud 2 hours and then he went his way and we on our bickes to the next circle... Lee and I exchanged E-mail adress to stai in contact. Back at home i surched for info in german about the Mayacalendar ,wat was very dificult without a computer and no English .

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

the gregorian kalender and the fakt tat the houl world lifs with tis timetable. and the people how dont belief in all tat "-wow-wow-" stuff.

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

i seem in sincron with me story how i must hafe writhen down befor comming to earth.the year after me Ex and I went again to Englands Crop circle tis time we send our own bickes over and sleppt again in and around the circles , and I remember watching all nigth up on milk hill and seeing noting hapen in the feild until about 3 in the moning , on a full moon nigth , so we went to sleep ,but in the moning after .I could hardly belef my eys the circle how was there was much larger. Anyway we met Lee and his sons again in a circle at Sylbury hill ,onli for abot 6 hours talking as much we could understand eachother. cut a long story full of tumoyl short Lee and I got married by a Druid in Celtic traditions on 25 july 2005 in a circle at avebury how looks like a stargate. We have aphoto were you can see energie lines comming down on us throu the marriage ceremony in the afternoon. actualy we did not now were we would geth marryd until 11.30 the same day??!!! the cicle can still be seen burnd in the year after!!

Any other comments or thoughts: 

sorry my english is very wild but i like you to now wat happen to me. I could tell you much moore syncron events allover me houl life .
