El Quetzal Issue 70: December 2012

Give the gift
of sacred time
and sacred songs

The Serpent &
the Jaguar
together with
Camino del Sol

Only through Dec. 4

Traveling this Dec. 21?
Take the Tzolkin
energies with you!

English version for iPhone
English version for Android

En Español para iPhone
En Español para Android

The Tzolk'in Days of December
Dec 1:10Ahau/Ajpu
Dec 2:11Imix/Imox
Dec 3:12Ik'/Iq'
Dec 4:13Akb'al/Aq'ab'al
Dec 5:1Kan/K'at
Dec 6:2Chicchan/Kan
Dec 7:3Cimi/Kame
Dec 8:4Manik'/Kej
Dec 9:5Lamat/Q'anil
Dec 10:6Muluc/Toj
Dec 11:7Oc/Tz'i
Dec 12:8Chuen/B'atz'
Dec 13:9Eb/E'
Dec 14:10Ben/Aj
Dec 15:11Ix/I'x
Dec 16:12Men/Tz'ikin
Dec 17:13Cib/Ajmaq
Dec 18:1Caban/No'j
Dec 19:2Etznab/Tijax
Dec 20:3Cauac/Kawoq
Dec 21:4Ahau/Ajpu
Dec 22:5Imix/Imox
Dec 23:6Ik'/Iq'
Dec 24:7Akb'al/Aq'ab'al
Dec 25:8Kan/K'at
Dec 26:9Chicchan/Kan
Dec 27:10Cimi/Kame
Dec 28:11Manik'/Kej
Dec 29:12Lamat/Q'anil
Dec 30:13Muluc/Toj
Dec 31:1Oc/Tz'i

Looking ahead to 2013

Many of us have been anticipating this month—for no less than 5,125 years. And now that it's here, how do we feel? Tired of the hysteria or secretly buying up survival supplies? Living in and enjoying the moment, or planning for the worst case scenario, just in case?

Whatever your individual case may be, December 21 is, first and foremost, the Winter Solstice. In the Mayan calendar, it is the end of the current cycle of the Long Count calendar, and a stunning opportunity to re-set our global cultural and spiritual mindset. (Birgitte writes about this in her latest blog.)

Many refer to this as "the shift". But you shouldn't wait for Dec. 21. It's happening now. Just look around you (but not the media—they're still behind the times on this one). Look at all of the many apparently "insignificant" acts of love and kindness happening every day. Each time you choose kindness over anger, tolerance over judgment, relaxation over stress, you're evolving not only your own soul to a higher state, but those around you (believe us, people do take notice of the smallest little things...)

So no matter if you're celebrating this Winter Solstice at Chichen Itzà or at home with loved ones, spend it in peace and loving company. There is no better way to welcome the next 5,125 years.

Blessings, namaste, and in lak'ech... we'll see you in 2013!

The Shift can now happen

(A special message from James Faubion)

I hope you will open your heart and mind to a very special new project.

“Answers” is an independent feature film whose intention is to begin the new cycle of global spiritual enlightenment and universal world peace on December 21, 2012. It will do this by revealing what people need to know about this life and the next. By appealing to popular culture, films can make important information available to everyone.

This project needs your help. I have set up a crowdfunding campaign to raise at least $25,000 so that the film can get produced. If just 2500 people donate as little as $10, it will happen. This film requires relatively little time and money to produce because of its simple nature: people sharing what everyone else needs to know.

Click on this link for more information about "Answers" — see the trailer, get more details, and read the entire screenplay for free. (The screenplay is only 75 pages and in the gallery tab, just above the video.)

Graphic courtesy of James Faubion

"The Serpent and the Jaguar" to be read at The Great Return in Copán

The people behind the documentary film 2012: The Beginning have organized a special tour for the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, in Copán, Honduras, called The Great Return. The tour runs from the 15th to the 22nd of December and includes presentations by John Major Jenkins, Dr. Barbara MacLeod, Dr. David Sedat and other Maya scholars, along with sacred ceremonies, yoga sessions and other paths to well-deserved relaxation and inner peace.

And although we won't be in Copán ourselves, Birgitte's book, The Serpent and the Jaguar, will. Film director Shannon Kring Buset will read the energy of the day from the book, on each day of the tour during morning meditation ceremonies.

It is in this way that we encourage all of you to connect with all those of us around the world celebrating the unique moment that December 21 represents... whether in person or in spirit. Just because you aren't able to travel doesn't mean you can't be a part of it.

We are all together, as one, everywhere.

Last chance to get your limited edition gift set

Good news! Our Limited Edition gift set of The Serpent and the Jaguar bundled with musical CD Camino del Sol is now available to be personally signed by the author, Birgitte Rasine, for an additional 3 days—till December 4.

Or, you can send your loved ones a bundled gift set of "The Serpent and the Jaguar" and Ken Johnson's comprehensive guide "Mayan Calendar Astrology"


Both editions are specially priced with a 20% discount.

Beautifully wrapped by hand, these sets make unique and meaningful gifts of knowledge, insight, and illumination for this very special Winter Solstice.

The "Shift of the Ages" has finally arrived

(A special message from Joseph Giove)

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Shift of the Ages film project. We are very pleased to announce that the Shift of the Ages movie is complete and undergoing final polishing!

Shift of the Ages Ambassadors and supporters will be allowed to screen the film first online at no charge in the first week of December. To find out where you’ll be able to view the film, please be sure to get on our free announcement list at www.ShiftoftheAges.com.

We are so excited to share this with you. We want to thank each and every one of you for your patience as we have journeyed together to accomplish such an amazing task. Our grass-roots movement has been made possible by your energetic donations, and will continue to grow in the same way as we self-distribute. Stay tuned for more details!

Image courtesy of Shift of the Ages

2013 Mayan Calendar - SPECIAL BUNDLE

(Announcement from our friends at Mayan Majix)

Get a 2013 Mayan Wall Calendar and a 2013 Mayan Daily Guide. Regular retail price is $33.90—you can get the bundle now for $27.95!


Click here for more information and to purchase yours.

Image courtesy of Mayan Majix

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