Mayan Wheels

Full Name
James lilWolfCrying Minium
Altoona, PA
United States


Altoona, PA
United States
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 

myself only

How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I use Lunar Calaendar aspects of Mayan calaendar as I try to full GrandMother MOON's courses
through the years Wheel ......

I in my Faith walk as a Pagan so Lunar timing is very important to me .....

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

IT HAS SHOWN ME A VAST DIFFRENICES IN Timing the movements of Lifes courses

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

not as much as I was orginally worried about As a Health Care worker I need to honor a daily timing
of "normal time and I try too make adjustments for mayan in my life

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

Learning to see larger picture and honor the Ancients in thier knowledge of what we are coming to in this timting

Do you have a blog or a web site you’d like your story to link to? 

