11 Cauac

Full Name
Ponder East
Austin, TX
United States


Austin, TX
United States
How many in your family/community/group are living with the Mayan calendar? 

so far, just me

How do you use the Mayan Calendar in your everyday life? Do you combine it with the Gregorian calendar? 

I began studying and using the Mayan Calendar in the Spring of 2004. Since then, I have come to rely on its cycles and rhythms to guide my understanding of my inner and outer world. I keep track of the days to better align with the Phases in Evolution of Consciousness, both my own individual and our collective consciousness.

How has the Mayan Calendar influenced or changed your way of life or thinking? 

Recognizing that there is a mathematical unfolding of the events both in our Universe and also in any single event, has allowed me the patience and clarity I needed to act more in accordance with my own unique essence. Also, by learning what other people's unique day sign and tone are can help me to better understand how to relate to and cooperate with them.

What challenges or difficulties have you encountered in integrating the Mayan Calendar into your daily life? 

I first read about the Dreamspell Calendar, which I studied extensively for about 2 years. Then I learned of the work that Carl Calleman had done and that his work suggested a different day sign and tone for my Gregorian calendar birthday. This was upsetting to me since I had invested so much time and energy in the search for validation and evidence that the Dreamspell was an accurate reflection of the world around and inside me. So for several months, I stopped altogether researching the Mayan culture and calendar.

What do you feel are the benefits of living with the Mayan Calendar? 

Then, I later came across the Mayan Calendar Converter that Calleman had created and re-started my reading and research into the Tzolkin. I then read all three of his books. I also read the material that Andi Mac and Jag published, plus a book by 'Cosmic Jaguar' and a Mayan Day Signs book. I have invested even more time and attention in understanding the evolution of our planet, universe and culture. Every time I learn something new in the fileds of anthropology, art, science, technology, medicine, I can use the timeline of the Mayan Calendar to help better understand the overall growth of the field in which this new (to me) information has taken.

Lastly, and especially, the field of philosophy has interested me almost as much as the Mayan Calendar and subsequently, I can begin to see the overall growth of philosophical thought as it is overlaid on top of the timing cycles of the Mayan Calendar. For instance, Calleman has suggested that the 8th level of Consciousness (the 'Galactic' level) is primarily an expression of ETHICS. As I read newspapers, watch TV, and listen to the radio, as well as observe the places in which I work, study, and play, I can see how ETHICS are being challenged and re-created, and in some cases, newly generated for the times in which we live.
