The Mayan Calendar Portal is one of the most active portal sites and online communities in the world dedicated to the Mayan calendar system.  Our mission is to make available to all people everywhere the true and authentic Sacred Mayan Calendars, especially the Tzolk'in or Chol q'ij, as it has been passed down to present generations by the Maya, and to protect their knowledge and wisdom.

The MCP is designed and produced by LUCITÀ Inc., a socially conscious hybrid design and communications firm based on the West Coast of the United States. LUCITÀ is known internationally for its unique, soulful design and its steadfast commitment and dedication to projects and initiatives that make a positive impact on the world we live in.

The original portal web site was originally funded by gracious donations from individuals and companies who believed in the need to establish this Portal. Today, the Mayan Calendar Portal is supported in large part by LUCITÀ and the kind donations and proceeds from our international community.


Please note the Mayan Calendar Portal uses the correlation factor of 584,283 to calculate Mayan Calendar dates.  This is the factor also used by the Mayan Elders from the highlands of Guatemala. 


If your organization is engaged in scholarly research, publishing, community work, or other projects or initiatives related to the Sacred Mayan Calendar and/or the Maya people, whose purpose is to enhance knowledge, empower indigenous Maya communities throughout the world, and you are interested in becoming a partner of the Mayan Calendar Portal, please contact us via email and put “potential partnership” in the subject header.
