This Trecena of IK

This trecena of IK has changed my direction in soul, spirituality, and consciousness of the dimensions of time and how each is affected by my interactions. While I can not explain the total personal interactions that occurred, I can say that on the 5th day of the trecena came an extremely powerful shift. This shift grounded and stabilized me--at least temporarilily. If I can keep this direction I see many good experiences coming to me from the future.

This shift is also the reason I am now writing again. It has been over 10 months since I last posted a blog here. For a long time I did not want to share with other dimensions, only the present and now that I physically exist in. It is time that I share again with all dimensions of time and space. I need to elevate my consciousness to make me more complete in my thoughts and how my soul is affected at all times.


