My Mayan Match Support & FAQ


Albany, NY
United States

Welcome to the User Feedback, Support and FAQ page for My Mayan Match mobile app.  This page supplements the main My Mayan Match page.

To send us your feedback, comments, suggestions for feature enhancements or new functionalities for My Mayan Match, please email us at

For questions and support issues, please first read through the FAQ below to see if your specific question has already been answered.  If not, please email us at


Where do the glyphs in the app come from?
The glyphs in the 
My Mayan Match mobile app are based on authentic Mayan day sign carvings.  They have been styled and optimized for the mobile platform by our designer.

[Question here about compatibility systems in the Mayan Calendar?]
Answer here.

More answers here. 

I just ran compatibility on my husband/wife/partner/significant other/best friend forever... and this app says we're NOT compatible.  My life is ruined!  What am I supposed to do?
First, your life is not ruined.  Second, no astrological or personal compatibility system is infallible or absolute.  The ultimate compatibility between any two people depends on their unique, individual character and the nature of their relationship.  This app is meant as a guide and a reference, not as a master plan for your life.  Furthermore, if you read the text for "no compatibility" carefully, you'll see it says that generally, no compatibility in the Mayan Calendar simply means the two people typically have to work a little harder at their relationship.

When I first launch the app, all I see is a static image of a female Maya goddess.
When you first download and launch 
My Mayan Match on your phone, you will see an image of Ix Chel, the Goddess of the Moon.  This image is simply a cover screen, a placeholder while the rest of the application loads in the background, so you don’t see a blank screen.  If you give it a few seconds, the cover screen will disappear and you will see the introductory animation.

I downloaded the app but I can’t figure out how it works.
Once you are inside the application, you can do one of two things: you can set your Mayan day sign profile (tap the "Set my profile" button) or read "How It Works", which explains in detail every feature and functionality of this application.

Help!  I’m having technical issues with the app on my iPhone.
If you are having technical problems with your 
My Mayan Match mobile app, please consult your iPhone documentation first, to rule out problems with your iPhone.  We also recommend checking your other apps installed on your phone to determine whether the issues you are experiencing are indeed specific to My Mayan Match.  If you still experience difficulties using the app, please email us at with a detailed description of what is not working or what you were trying to do, and the version number of your iPhone and its iOS.

If you have questions or issues not addressed in this FAQ section, please email us at
