This web site, the Mayan Calendar Portal, or MCP version 2.0, would not be possible without the financial backing of LUCITÀ and without the support of all those who donated funds for version 1.0 in 2006.  As we move toward the end of the Long Count and beyond (and yes there is a beyond, sorry no end of the world!), this web site will continue to serve the Mayan Calendar community throughout the world—providing information, resources, news and events, and bringing people and organizations together in the spirit of a sustainable and spiritually aware Calendar.  And for this, we need your help.

So how can YOU support the MCP? 

Most importantly, visit the site often and tell your friends!  MCP is a portal and a community, so the best way to show your support is simply by being an active member of the MCP community.  This means doing business with the companies and individual professionals listed in the MCP Marketplace, helping to spread the word about the MCP, blogging about it, following us on Twitter and other social networking or bookmarking tools, or other ways we may not have even heard of.  Surprise us...!

You can also support us through personal or company sponsorships, by signing up as a vendor in the MCP Marketplace, or sending Mayan birthday cards to your friends. 

And we are of course always open to other ideas we may not have thought about.  Email us!
